How Concierge Pediatric Care Works – Orlando, FL

Efficiency, Convenience, and Accessibility All in One

Concierge pediatrician in Orlando smiling at a patient

Although the idea of concierge may seem foreign at first, it actually makes a lot of sense. You may have become numb to our frustrating medical system, but the truth is that it fails many patients, especially kids and families. Whether fighting insurance companies for essential care they refuse to approve or getting overtreated for simple symptoms, young patients need a pediatrician in Orlando who devotes attention to their unique needs and treats accordingly. That’s where Dr. Aaron Weiss comes in!

What Is Concierge Medicine?

Woman holding her baby during appointment with concierge pediatrician

As a concierge, board-certified pediatrician and neonatologist, Dr. Weiss sees kids like any other pediatrician. However, he goes the extra mile in nearly every way. Rather than seeing 35 to 40 patients every day, he works with under 10 patients daily. Also, he has only 200 total patients, whereas the typical pediatrician can have 2,000. Needless to say, he can dedicate more time and attention to each patient than your traditional pediatrician.

Benefits of a Concierge Pediatrician

Doctor Weiss talking to a young girl with glasses and braids

With fewer patients and more time, Dr. Weiss can offer many benefits that other pediatricians struggle to deliver, such as:

  • A stronger patient-doctor-family relationship.
  • An hour face-to-face with Dr. Weiss instead of an hour in the waiting room.
  • Direct contact with the doctor.
  • Advocacy and guidance with subspecialty care.
  • No insurance hoops to jump through.
  • And much more!

In-Office, At-Home, or Virtual Visits

Doctor Weiss visiting a patient and their mother in their home

If your child needs a physical or wellness checkup, our practice provides a comfortable setting for you to visit, and because we are intentionally small, you will never have to wait long for your appointment to start.

For some families or at certain stages in development, going in-person to a doctor’s office isn’t feasible or even safe. For instance, before your newborn has received their vaccinations, they are vulnerable to certain diseases. It doesn’t make sense to take them to a place where sick kids are! So, in this case, Dr. Weiss can come to you.

In other situations, a virtual visit may be the safest or smartest choice. Together, you and Dr. Weiss can determine the best method for you and your child.

Our Membership Plan

Doctor Weiss giving a high five to a young boy in pediatrician office

Our practice is unique not only in how we work but also how we charge patients. We are considered out-of-network with medical insurance and instead offer a membership plan costing $250 a month or $2,500 for a whole year. A sibling discount is available, and this flat fee includes basically all interactions with Dr. Weiss, routine tests, and vaccinations. The only added charge occurs if Dr. Weiss comes to your house or to the hospital after normal business hours, costing $300.

In some instances, there are services or tests that are covered by insurance, in which case, we can help with filing claims and any other necessary paperwork.